Sales is about education, not pushy tactics.

To be a successful salesperson, you need to focus on your customer. Ask questions, learn as much as you can about your customer, and then educate them about which of your products they might find helpful. Don’t just start pushing the most expensive item. 

Consumers today are well informed and suspicious of hard sell tactics.

Winning them over involves building trust. If you’re too pushy, you risk making them feel uncomfortable. Building rapport means taking the effort to understand where they’re coming from. Using a one size fits all approach will alienate your customers and make you seem insincere. Every person who comes to you is going to have their own needs, likes, and budget. Your job is to use that information to best serve them. And sometimes that means admitting that you might not have the solution for them. 

Doing right by your customers goes beyond any individual sale.

First off, you should always strive to do the right thing. Never compromise your values for short term gains. But secondly, doing right by your customers will have a bigger pay out in the long run than any individual sale. By building relationships you turn potential sales into brand reps. Then they’ll start selling for you by referring you to their friends and family.

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